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The second look

This package is perfect if you already have some of the pieces figured out but need some support pulling it all together.  Choose two (or three) of the following services.. 


  • brand consultation and mood board creation

  • logo design and brand mark designs

  • website design

  • promotional materials

  • social media templates

  • business card design

  • photography

  • sign design

want to see how this works? 
Take a look below at a client success story!




Not what you had in mind?

Let's have a conversation about how I can help.

Client: Willow R. Wonder


About: This client was just starting her bodywork business and wanted to launch with a website, photography and logo.  She was drawn to flowers and since her work is about balancing the body, a symmetrical logo that paid tribute to balance and nature was the perfect representation of who she is as a practicioner. 


wonder laptop.gif
flyer- willow r wonder.jpg
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